Matthew Sakiestewa Gilbert (Hopi) will present “Marathoner Louis Tewanima and the Continuity of Hopi Running” at the Heard Museum February 22, 2020 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Monte Vista Room. Matthew Sakiestewa Gilbert is Professor and Head of the Department...
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a 41-year-old federal law protecting the well-being and best interests of Indian children and families by upholding family integrity and stability and keeping Indian children connected to their community and culture. ICWA also...
CARSON CITY, Nevada – (Jan. 8, 2020) For the first time, the general public can get a glimpse of life at Stewart Indian School, 130 years after the government boarding school opened in Carson City and 40 years after it was closed. The new Stewart Indian School...